I blogged last week regarding a Howell History Lesson involving Robert Miles, the KKK leader who used to live near the town I grew up in and now occupy.
I received an email today from a reporter at our local rag, the Livingston County Press & Argus, wondering where I got my sources.
Should I be flattered or insulted? I don't get paid to write my blog. I don't often do real serious things here but when I do, I research them and have facts to back it up. I don't quote the sources because really, dear readers, do you care? This is a blog, not a news magazine.
I think it's pretty funny that a professional journalist is asking me where I get my information, like I have some secret resources somewhere. Or talk out of my ass. Neither of which is the case. Anything presented as factual here can be backed up.
NOTE TO REPORTER: Please don't take this personally. You should realize that if you ask, you will of course become blog fodder. This called "Setting Yourself Up For A Fall."
SECOND NOTE TO REPORTER: Might be an interesting (albeit poorly proofread article I am sure given the history) to find Livingston County Blogs and write about them. I know there are more than just mine around.
Are there job openings at the Livingston County Press & Argus for Special Reporter About Town? Can I apply?