I am completely jealous that I didn't think of stating this in my previous post so I'm lifting this disclaimer from rudecactus.
The previous post was completely bipartisan. I'd be disturbed by the shameful excess regardless of who was the president being sworn in.
On another note: Geeze, it's the second time around. Couldn't George and Laura and the twins just order in a Domino's and watch some Fox News together or something? Didn't they already do this once? They could invite Dick and Lynn Cheney and maybe Condoleeza and play Yatzee or Balderdash or something.
On the French news this morning (radio news, in the car on my way to work) they detailed all the things the other presidents who were inaugurated during a war did to curtail the budgets. TRoosevelt? WWilson? I don't remember the others, sorry.
I was stunned to hear that Bush was only the fourth president to be inaugurated during a war (if that info was correct, I'm assuming it was.) The other one must be Kennedy, or around Kennedy.
Lisa, I'm sorry don't feel comfortable posting my real addy on the web anymore, since it's my real name, but you have it. That's what you get for having four kids, no more fake email addys, LOL.
Posted by: Ms P | January 20, 2005 at 07:22 PM