Anyone who blogs or reads blogs knows that they become addicting. You have to check in on your favorite bloggers every day to see what they are up to.
It's sort of like glimpsing into someones diary.
Some are austere and mundane.
Some are hilarious rants on everyday life.
The political ones I don't visit more than once as I find them boring.
But the ones I read daily. Oh my, I am disappointed when I don't get my daily fix. Faggoty Ass Faggot is one of my favorites because he's so bitchy and if he lived in Michigan, he'd be my best friend. (NOTE: Brian, my cousin was my OB/GYN because WE ARE ITALIAN and of course you go to someone you know. If he had a garbage truck, he would have been my garbage man.)
I don't blog a whole lot about work. I don't think I'm in danger of being Dooced. (NOTE: For the virgins in the crowd, getting dooced refers to blogging about work and then getting fired for blogging about work, even though you don't name names. See link on right and read it, she's great fun.) I am vague about the name of the company I work for but if you happen to be a local who stumbles across my blog and happens to run into me, like in real life, in person, I'd be pretty damn obvious since I run around with a jacket emblazoned with BILLY JOE JIM BOB'S EXCAVATING on the back of it. And I have several lovely sweatshirts emblazoned with the same.
I don't worry about being dooced because I find it highly unlikely than more than two people I work with would A) have any idea what a blog was and B) wouldn't read it anyway. I know B to be true because my co-office worker Michelle knows I blog and she doesn't read it. She doesn't need to, we sit eight feet away from each other for eight hours a day. When I first started my blog and didn't have a lot of confidence in my writing or myself, I had an older picture of myself on here that was a "Glamour Shot." Not very me at all (NOTE: It involved a black feather boa and I had long hair) but it was a great disguise as you couldn't have picked it out as being me in either a dark bar or a lineup. Now, I have a fairly recent picture (this summer) that does look pretty much like me. And if someone local comes up to me and says, "Oh my God! I know you! I've read your blog!" I probably won't be too nonplussed. Not that I think my writing is all that great and I'm waiting for my blogging Pulitizer, but because hey, it's my blog. Don't like it, don't read it.
The other reason I don't worry about my co-workers reading my blog is that if they are indeed allowed to surf the net, they are looking at either snowmobiles on eBay(by boss is selling his there now, courtesty of the pictures Michelle and I took and the ad we wrote and the email account we set up), NASCAR sites, fishing sites or porn.
Once you starting reading one blog, you check to see who they like and then read those blogs and it just becomes this incestuous circle of blogdom. I'm becoming a blog addict. It Leif Garrett wrote a blog and could string together a coherent sentence with an amusing twist of phrase, I'd probably read his damn blog, too.
NOTE: No, I am not a washed-up child star.
I am now starting to feel guilty that I don't update my blog daily.
"I am now starting to feel guilty that I don't update my blog daily"
and so you should!
just kidding
Posted by: Videodrone | December 09, 2004 at 06:10 PM
Hi Video!
I thought you stopped by here!
So, what do you think?
Posted by: Lisa | December 10, 2004 at 07:24 PM