My daughter is biracial. She is a beautiful child and I am so thrilled we were able to become her parents.
I struggle mightily with her hair though. Mia has the worst of both sides. She has curly hair that gets tangled and matted and she is tender headed. It's also very fine. If her hair is not done, she looks like no one loves her.
I was at a loss for a long time as to what to do with her hair that would look presentable and cause the least amount of tears for both of us. My husband even checked on prices for getting it professionally braided. At $20 for 20 minutes with an estimate of 2 hours, I decided I needed to learn how to do this myself.
After lots of searching on the Internet, I found a great website that offered advice regarding children with ethnic hair.
I've been praciticing and I must admit, tonight her hair actually looked okay, even if one of her ponytails was off balance. I did the "grease", I made four ponytails, I braided the ponytails and wrapped them around barettes. She looks very cute and I was quite proud. I'm far from professional at this point, but it looks nice.
We'll see how she looks in the morning, and especially in the afternoon after Hat Head.
I'm surpirsed Social Services hasn't shown up yet because my daughter who does not scream hysterically always does when she sees the dreaded "hair box".
Tonight, she was trying to pick all the stuff up and put it back in the hair box, as if she was telling me, "We're done now, right?"
Hello, I tried your lasagna and absolutely loved it!!! Thanks a bunch. Also, how is everything coming along with your daughter's hair? I can give you tips and tricks if you need them. Thanks
Posted by: Bethoni | January 20, 2008 at 05:55 PM