Basher, The Best Of Nick Lowe.
I love Nick Lowe. My ex fiancee/boyfriend Dan turned me onto Nick Lowe, as well as John Hiatt and Lyle Lovitt. (Note to self: do whole blog entry on Dan. See if anyone else would cry.)
Nick Lowe is sort of Rockabilly, sort of rock. Very unique sound. Very catchy. Pure fun unadulterated pop.
I lifted this picture from and guess what? This CD is on sale right now, you can get it for $8.99 plus shipping.
Trivia: My favorite song on the CD? Heart.
Trivia: I think Nick Lowe used to be in Rockpile.
Hey Lis, just wanted to tell you that I met Lyle Lovett in NYC 1990, really great guy. We talked for about 20 minits and he knew much about Montreal. I was impressed. Just thought I'd tell ya. Good taste girl!
Posted by: Rick | July 07, 2005 at 03:24 AM