I am a true crime/death hag. I admit it. It's an unusual hobby, I know. I've also discovered that I'm not alone in this avocation.
There is a fabulous website called www.findadeath.com that I stumbled across quite by accident while looking on the internet for information about Houdini for my son.
I've spent hours there, reading the features about dead celebrities and other notables. Scott, who writes the site, is a former Michigan boy, even better. He hates Elizabeth Taylor (atta boy!) and Bob Hope and he is terribly funny to the point of snorting wine out of your nose.
Yes, there are pictures of dead people on the site. Yes, some of them are gruesome, but in a fun thrilling sort of way.
I've even picked up some of his vernacular, such as "As you do."
I sent him a fan email, and got no reply. My husband, who is most certainly not much of a death hag except by association, sent him one and did get a reply, at which point Scott asked if we could photograph the room in the hotel where Bobby Hatfield (of the Righteous Brothers) died. We haven't gotten to that side of the state yet, but I'd love to do it.
His feature about Gilda Radner made me cry because I feel much the same way about her.
His feature about Marlon Brando is hilarious.
He has a certain fetish for mailboxes.
Check out the site, and if you have even one death hag bone in your body, you'll be hooked just as I am.