1. I like to smoke. It's sort of a hobby to me. Marlboro Lights are my nicotine of choice. I also like English Ovals, but since they are non-filtered (just put a gun to your head and be done with it) and difficult to find, I don't smoke them often. I also like Nat Sherman's.
2. Mexican Jones in Brighton makes the margaritas I like best in the whole world.
3. Although I am a huge true crime buff, I rarely write about true crime because I think my creative bone doesn't lie in that area.
4. I just frosted my hair. I think it looks strange and very 80s. I don't know if I like it. My husband thinks it looks good, but this is a Brit who doesn't understand you don't need socks when you wear sandals.
5. The occasion of my 20th high school reunion is causing me great angst. I think I am having a mid-life crisis.
6. I went through a stage where I was totally addicted to the Sims and played it constantly. They bore me now.
7. My husband successfully created a lesbian Sims couple. They were very funny because they were the horniest Sims I'd ever seen. They were both lipstick lesbians and were always hopping in the sack.
8. I will wear a two piece bathing suit until I am 60.
9. I hate wearing dresses and skirts and rarely put one on except for weddings or funerals. I actually own a "funeral dress" that I have never worn other than to funerals. It's a black silk Liz Claiborne.
10. I am very clumsy and am always walking into things.
11. I am the worst singer, ever. Period.
12. I like to shoot pool and I'm pretty good at it with a little warm up time. I beat the pants off our friend Don. He was amazed.
13. I like to play darts and I'm pretty good at that, as well.
14. I could be a very good golfer. I have great drives but my putting needs a lot of work.
15. I like golf very much but haven't played in 2 years. Other than chipping balls in my large backyard.
16. I can be very blunt. People either find this refreshing or annoying.
17. My favorite band in high school was the Dead Kennedys. Mostly because it pissed my mom off.
18. I hate necklaces and very rarely wear one.
19. I once tried to hit on David Letterman.
20. The "art" in my great room is actually European liquor advertisements from the 1920s.
21. I love taking pictures and have a really nice camera that was my dad's.
22. I lust for a key chain digital, but wonder about the quality of the pictures.
23. I experienced premature menopause at the age of 31. It really sucked.
24. I swear far more than I should. This is a bad habit from working in the car dealership and now around excavator guys.
25. Boss the Son and I can act like brother and sister (quarrel) but are really fond of one another.
26. I plan the Christmas party every year at work. Also known as "Holiday Drink Fest and Bonus Check Party."
27. Both of my children are horribly spoiled.
28. I rarely get hangovers as I tend to drink only wine.
29. I love martinis but they get me way too drunk.
30. The thought of "natural" (read "no drugs") childbirth horrifies me.
31. I have a very high tolerance for painkillers.
32. Although I have broken several bones, I have only had stitches twice.
33. My husband has gotten chubby from my cooking.
34. I am very close to my in-laws and they have become my de facto parents.
35. My mom and dad died within 14 months of each other. That was a very difficult time for me and I think I had a bit a of a breakdown.
36. I miss my mother every single day of my life. She was a fantastic woman who overcame incredible obstacles.
37. My dad was a jerk and not a very good father.
38. I have a butt load of cousins I am not close to at all, although we were very close as children. I am the black sheep.
39. I have distant cousins (my dad's cousins' kids) who, many of them, are in prison. I saw them at family reunions as a kid, but we never socialized with them as their fathers were considered shady characters back then.
40. I look great in red.
41. I've never watched any reality TV shows except for The Simple Life. God knows why I picked that one.
42. I love nice things but I am fairly frugal. I bought two of my Coach purses off Ebay.
43. I love t-shirts and wear them almost every day. In winter, I throw a sweatshirt or sweater over it.
44. I miss sitting in the hot-tub.
45. My husband and I decided to adopt while sitting in the hot tub.
46. I am a secret Dixie Chicks fan.
47. Being an adult adoptee married to an adult adoptee who has adopted, I consider myself an armchair expert on adoption. I've also done a lot of reading.
48. I have a much greater quest for knowledge now than I ever had in high school, college or grad school. If I am curious about something, I have no hesitation about pursuing it.
49. I am a breast cancer survivor. I had a lump again at the last mammogram that scared the bejesus out of me. It was just fibrous, but I was in a state of horror until I found out.
50. Doing 50 Things About Me gets tedious.
I'm not sure I could come up with 50 things to say about myself! I guess that's why you're blogging and I'm not! That, and the fact that I wouldn't have a clue how to begin! Kudos!
Posted by: vero | October 17, 2004 at 11:59 PM
I love your blog!
I had to write when I read that your parents had died within 14 mths of each other. I know how it feels,my parents died 14 mths apart and were both gone by the time I was 22, over 30 years ago. I'm an only child, but luckily my husband comes from a warm Italian family who treated my Irish ass just like one of them!
Posted by: Stevie | February 15, 2005 at 01:16 AM