KMart is a Troy, Michigan based company. Since I live in Michigan, I try to support the local economy. My local Kmart makes this very difficult.
First of all, I would never wear anything KMart sells. Their clothes are cheaply made and ugly. They have tried to go upscale but Jacklyn Smith and Kathy Ireland just don't do it for me.
They do have great sales on other things, like cleaning supplies and HBA stuff. However, whenever I go to my local KMart to get their sale items, they are invariably out of them and offer me a raincheck. Hello, purchasing? Are you listening?
The women who work at my local KMart are ancient and a couple of them are quite rude. A few months back, I purchased a whole big cart of stuff at Kmart. Much of it was supplies for work; cleaning supplies, candy, coffee, filters, etc. The total was over $200 and I wrote a personal check, knowing that I would be reimbursed for my work purchases. The woman who was cashiering took my check and handled it as it were a dog turd. Completely rude and humiliating to me.
My mother-in-law used to work at that KMart years ago and still knows people there so she suggested I lodge a complaint with the store manager, which I did. I don't think it did a bit of good, since the cashier who was so nasty to me, Faye, was working the next time I was in and glared at me. Obviously, old Faye lacks customer service skills and should not be working with the public.
It should also be noted that I am always friendly and try to chat with people who wait on me, be they cashiers, waiters or waitresses or anyone in the service sector. I know those jobs are not fun and I appreciate people who do them. It should also be noted that I do not pass bad checks and there was no reason for Faye to handle mine like it was warm dog shit.
Our local KMart has the stench of death wafting through the aisles. I've not been back since old Faye glared at me since I told on her for being so rude.
No wonder KMart is slowly dying.