I am not a person who has "hobbies" per se. I don't quilt, I don't sew or do needlepoint. I don't do crafty things as I have not an artsy bone in my body.
Instead, I have things that I "do". I read. I read a lot. I can eat paperbacks for lunch. I don't read a whole lot of fiction as I think a lot of it is dreck. Danielle Steele comes to mind. So does Tom Clancy. The fiction I do read is "literary" fiction. Oh my, I'm so pretentious! Heh.
I had a 20% off coupon for Borders good only this week-end so Martin and Mia and I went. I purchased:
Mafia Wife by Lynda Milito with Reg Potterton, Avon True Crime, pub.
Lynda Milito was married to a guy who's best friend was Sammy "the Bull" Gravano. In 1988, Louie Milito, Lynda's husband, disappeared, as those in the Gotti crime family were apt to do. I've only read a few pages, so can't tell you much about it yet. Sounds very dishy.
Skinny Dip, by Carl Hiaasen, Knopf pub.
I've heard great things about Carl Hiaasen from people who's taste in books I respect so I thought I'd give this a try. I'm looking forward to diving into this one.
Martin bought the next in his Master & Commander series, the ninth of 16 I do believe. Yawn.
We bought another Touch & Feel book (animals) for Mia.
Other time wasters I enjoy:
Surfing the internet
Reading Find A Death.com
Drinking wine
Laying in the sun
Listening to loud music while driving
Telling my husband what to do
Yelling at the dogs, then feeling guilty about it. They are, after all, dogs.
Admiring my flowers in the yard
Following criminal cases. I'm obsessed with the Peterson trial right not. Guilty, guilty, guilty, LWOP
Cooking, especially finding new things to make
Shopping although I have Kate Spade taste and the Target budget
Posting on my blog. I've been a bloggin fool lately.
You are definately an independant,strongwilled woman .. Since you are so sure of the Scott Peterson outcome,perhaps you would be willing to fill in a few blanks on the "OJ" case ... (such as who helped him ... I cannot believe he acted alone)( ie: The boyfriend certainly did not stand there for 5 minutes awaiting his turn under the knife .... should have "got the hell outa Dodge"... Thanks...
PS: try "St.Josephs" german white wine ....
Posted by: John McMillan | September 13, 2004 at 05:20 PM