I am a big fan of clearance racks. I've gotten some great deals. I had to go to Target (pronounce "TAR jay") the other day (Like you ever have to go to Target). Our Target is undergoing massive renovation from the parking lot to the dressing rooms, and it's a real hassle to get in and out. As a result, they have lots of great deals.
Mia and I went to Target and roamed first the bathing suits for me. I like Target bathing suits because I invariably trash my bathing suits tanning and they sell the tops and bottoms separate, they are reasonably priced and generally pretty attractive. No luck on bathing suits this time, good Lord, why is dirt brown popular right now? Who could that color possibly compliment?
Some of my finds:
Target licensed Osh Kosh dresses for Mia: $4.99, bought two
Target licensed Osh Kosh denim shorts for Mia: 98 cents (WHOOOHOO)
Cute peasant style t-shirt for Mia: $1.99
Cropped White Linen drawstring pants for me
Pair of knee length cargo shorts with extra pockets, Velcro, drawstrings and totally useless snaps on the legs for Martin
Here's the fashion faux pas. I have a great pair of black cropped linen pants from Geoffrey Beane that are lined and just hang so nicely and look so "casually elegant". (Shopping note: Geoffrey Beane lined linen pants, $16.99 at the Beane outlet.) When I saw that Target had cropped linen pants on sale for $10 I was giddy. I wanted to buy both a white pair and a putty pair, but they only had the white in my size.
The next morning, I was feeling so tanned and chic in my cropped white linen drawstring pants and my black silk sweater with the beading and my black beaded suede sandals.
In my normal morning madness in getting all my crap together and getting Mia ready, I prepare my favorite travel tea cup (there's an entry on here about that, as well.) I managed to slop tea all over my new chic ten buck pants. Time for ensemble Number 2 of the day.
I sent them to my mother-in-law but even the Dark Mistress of Cleaning and Laundry can't get the tea out of white linen. So I resign myself that they will be a new pair of "at home lounge pants." I put them on with a nice comfortable t shirt and proceed to the great room to tell Martin my pants adventure.
He looks at me and starts laughing and says, "Lis, I see can right through those." I innocently ask, "What, you can see my pantylines? I have on white panties." And Martin says, "No Lise, I can see your underpants perfectly and your legs. Those pants are completely transparent." Said while he is snickering and snorting Diet Pepsi through his nose.
Thank God I did not wear those pants to work.
Dye them with tea.
Posted by: vero | October 18, 2004 at 12:02 AM