1. I was born July 28, 1966 in Highland Park, Michigan.
2. I was adopted as an infant by my mother and father, Mary and Gene. The first three months of my life, I spent in foster case before my parents were able to take me home. My mom visited me every day in both of the two foster homes I was in.
3. My favorite color in clothing is black. My overall favorite color is eggplant.
4. With the exception of attending college in PA and living there for a few years afterward, I have lived in Livingston County, Michigan for 29 of my 37 years.
5. I have two tattoos, one on the inside of each ankle.
6. I have 3 dogs.
7. I hate mushrooms.
8. I love the band Cake.
9. First record I ever bought was Fleetwood Mac, Rumours.
10. First CD I ever bought was U2, Atchung Baby.
11. My eyes change color from grey to blue to green.
12. I love everything Dominick Dunne has every written.
13. I am a huge adoption advocate and think that is part of my role here on Earth.
14. Lasped Episcopalian. I have a strong spiritual life but don't go to church.
15. I am married to a Brit who has still has his Green Card and has never become a citizen although he has lived here over 20 years. Ditto my in-laws.
16. I just sold my 1973 MGB that I never drove enough.
17. I am married to my best friend. My husband is a great guy.
18. I am a news junkie.
19. I am a true crime junkie.
20. If I could go back and do college all over again, I would become a forensic psychologist.
21. I love to cook but hate to bake.
22. I have been known to smoke the occasional joint in the past.
23. A wall in my great room is painted Ralph Lauren Hunting Coat Red. Everyone was dubious. It's a hit and I love it.
24. My kitchen is painted seafoam green and I love that as well.
25. 90% of the books I read relate to true crime or sociology. 8% are humorous and/or memoirs and 2% are fiction.
26. My husband is 4 years younger than me but because he is over two thirds gray, is always mistaken for being much older than me. I find this an endless source of amusement.
27. Both of my husbands have been younger than me. I think I will keep this trend going.
28. There is nothing like fresh lipstick to cheer me right up.
29. Russian River Ranches Sonoma Cuterer. 1999, please.
30. I have a wine journal I don't update enough.
31. I named my dog China after the Grateful Dead song China Cat Sunflower.
32. I have seen the Dead 18 times.
33. I am not a Deadhead.
34. My daughter's name is Mia Celeste, which means My Star in Italian and Latin.
35. My son's name is Dexter David. I love the name Dexter. He looks like and is a Dexter, just as I look like and am a Lisa. Too young to tell with the daughter but I think it's going to be right.
36. I am good at naming. I named the dogs just after one glimpse. I did name my kids in advance but I picked names suitable to their personalities, I think.
37. I am currently writing a fictional short story about Courtney Love coming to live in our basement.
38. Although I vote Republican I am frighteningly liberal in my personal views other than adoption and capital punishment.
39. I have a big screen tv. ( I only throw that in because I am scraping for another 11 things.)
40. If I won the lottery, I would buy a house on a lake and a start a recession proof business, probably a local DVD/video store that will rent you anything including porn. Recession proof and hard to find.
41. I have cute feet.
42. I could easily eat pepperoni pizza 5 nights a week.
43. I love nothing more than sitting on my deck, in the evening, watching the sun go down.
44. My bathroom is inspired by Van Gogh's Starry Nights. I matched the blue in ceramic tile to the blue in the painting. This is sick and wrong.
45. I have an unexplained fondness for Jimmy Dean frozen breakfast sandwiches.
46. I think Scott Peterson is Guilty Guilty Guilty and will get LWOP.
47. I think all states should adopt the death penalty for certain cirumstances. Some of these circumstances are the murder of a child, sexual assault of a child that is a repeat offense and the murder of a peace officer.
48. Only my hairdresser knows what color my hair really is.
49. I never watched Friends, 90210 or Melrose Place. When I heard women I worked with at the time discussing these shows, I was confused since we had worked together several years and had never heard these people mentioned before. And they did discuss them as if they were real people.
50. I have never watched soaps.