Current Favorite Movies
(In no particular order)
Best in Show
A Mighty Wind
Drop Dead Gorgeous
The Silence of the Lambs
The Deer Hunter
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Bowling for Columbine
Pretty in Pink (cheesy I know)
Dazed & Confused
Recently Watched:
The Royal Tennebaums: good quirky movie. Only in New York.
How to Lose A Guy in Ten Days: pure fluff
Kill Bill: lots of gratuitous violence, no real story line or hint of motivation to the character's actions (Why did she become a Ninja? How? Why was she marrying Bill in the first place? etc etc etc)
Starsky & Hutch: funnier than you would think
House of Sand & Fog: Stirring but not as good as the book
On Tap:
Shreck II
The Stepford Wives
Super Size Me